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The Biglines truck was intentionally built for maximizing travel abilities on forest service roads. We needed our truck to haul weight, have high clearance, be durable and wanted to make speeds as comfortable as possible.  When we explained this to the judges at the Driven YYC car show they seemed to understand what we had done and why we did it and we ended up with the privilege of being awarded the ‘Best In Class’ for Toyota Tundras. It was a satisfying end to a wild winter season that saw us take a huge chance on the vehicle that we’d been dreaming about for years.


BLRavenOne looking about as good as she ever will at the 2016 Driven YYC car show.


36 hrs earlier. 40 kms back. The end of one road is the beginning of another.

When the guys at The Gear Shop asked us if we could come to the Driven Show we were stoked at the idea. The only problem was that we were booked on a trip deep in the mountains of Radium BC, that week and there would be very little time once we got out of the zone to get to Calgary. We agreed to come anyways. It just so happens that the zone we were going to had a major reason of why we built our truck the way we did. Operating in the late spring, to ski Biglines, usually means extended travel on bumpy, muddy and snowy forest service roads. The ability to get past, simple but thick sections of old snow can be a game changer in terms of access. On our trip we used the truck exactly the way we had intended. We had a great, multi-day trip but needless to say, when we got out of the zone, our truck was covered in Purcell mud.

We thought rolling in a muddy truck would be full of charm but The Gear Shop guys assured us that was not how things are done at cars shows. So over the next 3 days and several very long car wash sessions and with the help of The Gear Shop detailing team, BLRavenOne rolled in to the car show looking about as good as she ever will. We hung around for the day of the show to meet and greet any of the interested passer-byers. We can’t say we a ton in common with most of the car folks but there definitely were some who saw our rig and totally got it. We also weren’t the only truck with a sled on the back.

It was a great experience and made us think that maybe we should attend more tradeshows with the truck being our booth. Maybe we’ll see you next fall.


The Gear Shop team at the end of Driven YYC with our awards.


Big thanks to all who have supported this adventure.



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