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Biglines – The Call


The call sounds over the mountaintops in a “CCCCCCCCAAAAAAWWWW” that resonates across the lands. The message is one of community.

Adventure loves company, and we’re all in this together.

With each passing winter, we adapt and evolve, applying lessons we’ve learned along the way.

Our friends across the mountains of the world are doing the same thing. So we’re always listening for the calls of anyone, of everyone, that’s got something to say.

The mountains make our lives extraordinary, but they aren’t without their hardships. Sometimes we have to huddle together when the weather gets heavy, our call piercing the darkest of storms.

Of course our grief can be balanced by laughter and bliss. And our losses are only the shadows of our greatest victories.

We live to soar amongst these peaks. And so will the generations that follow us.

So we sound our call from the ridgetops, knowing that it will reach the ears of our friends, our elders, our community.

And when we hear our call answered by those both near and far, WE KNOW WE ARE NOT ALONE.


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