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3 Men in Stable Condition after Avalanche in Kicking Horse Backcountry

Golden and District Search and Rescue (GADSAR) responded to an avalanche in the backcountry south of Kicking Horse Mountain Resort at around 2pm today (Tuesday).

It sounds as if two people out of a group of three–all from Saskatchewan–were swept over roughly 1000m of terrain.

unnamed (3)

Photo Credit: Kyle Hale, GADSAR.

From the photo above and what little info there is available, it’s likely that the slide occurred in Terminator 2.5, a large slide path that faces towards town. And all three members were allegedly not equipped for backcountry travel.

According to the bulletin on “[o]n Tuesday there was  a size 1.5 skier accidental near Golden with three people involved that may have released on the mid-January persistent weak layer on an East aspect in the alpine.”

And according to GADSAR, one of the people involved broke their leg while the other suffered back injuries. Sounds like the third member of the party is uninjured.

The two injured parties were evacuated via helicopter and taken to the hospital in Golden.


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