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Holy Shit! This teaser is BIGLINES APPROVED. We haven’t been this stoked to see a movie in a long time.

This is what the Timeline Mission crew has to say about the whole affair: “In March, Xavier de le Rue and Samuel Anthamatten travelled to Svalbard, a Norwegian archipelago in the Arctic Ocean, situated halfway between continental Norway and the North Pole to film the next mission, ‘Degrees North’. The idea was for Xavier and Samuel to use paramotors to access and ride incredible lines, never before ridden in the remote locations of the Atomfjiella region in Svalbard.
Second part of the movie will be filmed this winter and will see Ralph Backstrom joining the crew, to discover a new zone in Alaska.”
Full movie coming out fall 2015

Swatch Degrees North by The North face is a project of TimeLine Missions in co production with Red Bull Media House.

Music by: Michel Janssens de Bisthoven

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