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Boom Lake Couloir, Feb 2015

Kevin Hjertaas and Chris Rubens, dropping in to see what condition their condition was in. These boys have been crushing it lately. Check their exploits here: Big week of Lines in the Rockies and here: ...

Big week of Lines in the Rockies

Rockies Conditions Update Feb. 4, 2015 Hjertaas and Rubens have been on a Rockies crushfest of late. Here's Rubens plowing up the gnar above Taylor Lake... It’s been a great week in the Rockies with unse...

Powder Snow in Pemberton – Jan.20th, 2014

In a time where there's barely any cold snow to be found across the globe, we managed to get lucky and score in our backyard of Pemberton BC. Willie Goldman, Danny Jendral, Timmy Treadway and I enjoyed playi...

Global TV on Climate Change and Skiing

Seems like the mainstream news is finally clueing into something that our community has been aware of for a really long time... It's an easy phenomenon to sensationalize, so I'm surprised they haven't really...

Flute Oboe; Whistler Slackcountry Jan 17, 2015

Snowed about 5cms in the morning then another convective cell came through giving us another 5cms in the late morning. Lots of people out in the Flute Oboe slackcountry. Still quite a bit of preserved surfac...