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The Alchemists – Photographer Blake Jorgenson

Short documentary film on photography and creativity in a changing digital world following and interviewing action sport photographer Blake Jorgenson through his home mountains of British Columbia Canada. Dire...

Hokkaido Calling – Sherpa Cinema

“Is it possible to stand where no one has before?.” In search for the less obvious, Sam Smoothy Jeremie Heitz and Dane Tudor set out to explore Hokkaido, an island with over 15 metres of annual snowfall. And i...

Seeking Nirvana 2.2 – Under The Moonlight

These are some of the finest mountains, that you could ever lay your eyes on. Loaded with giant cedars and fir trees down low and piled up with deep snow as you climb higher up their slopes. It really is a magi...

Trace Cooke – Freedom – Ep. 2

There's this zone near Whitewater that's just ridiculous...Trace and his friends made the trek and threw down a bunch of popcorn laps for episode 2 of "Freedom". Music: Come Back - Nym (

The Big Eddy || Round 2

After a few months in The Big Eddy, the bois find some fuego stacks and skied them. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Skiers: Andrew Laver Braden...

V I E W: Leah Evans – 2017

V I E W: Is professional skier Leah Evans 2016-17 season edit, filmed in the heart of the BC backcountry. Edited by Colleen Gentemann/ Laundromat Studios Footage: Colleen Gentemann/ Laundromat Studios Mik...

Golden Trip

Whirlwind tour with some friends in Golden BC. We stuck everything when the camera wasn't rolling!...
Nils Mindnich frontside invert

Nils Mindnich 2016/2017 Full Part

Check out recent winner 0f the 31st Legendary Mt. Baker Banked Slalom, Nils Mindnich, slaying backcountry features like they were child's play. His smooth style and the great soundtrack make this video one that...

the black crows, episode 4. Callum Pettit

Cool profile piece on Callum Pettit from Pemberton by Black Crowes skis. Draw inspiration from substances and shapes, visualize then put your curves down onto a surface....