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G3’s 2015 athlete ambassador team includes twenty-two top freeride athletes, photographers, guides and mountaineers – people who represent the brand’s winter backcountry heritage in everything they do. They play an important role in testing and product development. From veteran splitboarders and accomplished AMGA and ACMG guides and examiners to hard charging freeride pros, G3’s ambassador team is highly accomplished in all aspects of backcountry skiing, riding, and mountaineering.

“Having people who reflect our values, who are great ambassadors for our brand, and who give us top-notch feedback is goal number one with our athlete team,” said Gord Bailey, VP Sales and Marketing at G3. “This year’s team, as always, is deeply rooted in winter backcountry culture, from ski mountaineering, splitboarding and backcountry freeride, to safety and education. These athletes push the limits of their gear in the harshest and most challenging winter environments. We are highly committed to creating the best and most innovative equipment and their feedback is invaluable in achieving that goal.”

The team this year is comprised of G3 veterans Chad Sayers, Andy and Mike Traslin, John Wells, and Melanie Bernier, as well as pro freeride skier James McSkimming, internationally acclaimed alpinist Jason Kruk, and backcountry photographers Zoya Lynch and Reuben Krabbe. The 2015 ambassador team also includes several splitboarders including Joey Vosburgh, Jesse Wilfley, Sean Busby, Adraon Buck, Pat Mulrooney and Claudia Avon.

Additionally, G3 has strengthened its partnership with the Association of Canadian Mountain Guides (ACMG) and started a new partnership with the American Mountain Guide Association (AMGA), enlisting several certified guides as ambassadors and elite field testers. Veteran G3 ambassador and ACMG examiner and guide, Lars Andrews is joined by Evan Stevens and Jasmin Caton of Valhalla Mountain Touring, Amos Whiting from Aspen Expeditions, Ross Berg from Altus Mountain Guides, Joe Stock an AMGA guide and photographer, and Marc Piché, the Technical Director of the ACMG.

To learn more about the G3 Athlete Ambassador Team, visit

G3 2015 Athlete Ambassador Team

Andy Traslin
Amos Whiting
Chad Sayers
Evan Stevens
Jasmin Caton
Jason Kruk
James McSkimming
Joe Stock
John Wells
Lars Andrews
Marc Piché
Mike Traslin
Melanie Bernier
Reuben Krabbe
Ross Berg
Zoya Lynch

Joey Vosburgh
Jesse Wilfley
Pat Mulrooney
Adraon Buck
Sean Busby
Claudia Avon

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