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Big week of Lines in the Rockies

Rockies Conditions Update Feb. 4, 2015


Hjertaas and Rubens have been on a Rockies crushfest of late. Here’s Rubens plowing up the gnar above Taylor Lake…

It’s been a great week in the Rockies with unseasonably good stability, mild temperatures and even some fresh snow on top. All in all, some great skiing conditions for “Biglines” and some got done.

Here’s what I know has gotten skied in the last week by a handful of different groups:

The Aemmer Couloir

The 3-4 Couloir

Boom Lake Couloir

Mt Bell north facing couloir (and a smaller one climber’s left)

A couple chutes on Panorama Ridge

The Monarch

The Grand Daddy Couloir

A couple Mt Patterson couloirs

Bow Summit: the Flower Couloir

With new snow and wind forecasted to start tomorrow, it looks like the window has closed. Hope you all got out there and had some fun. Maybe we’ll get another window before Spring if we’re lucky.

 Let us know what we’ve missed in the Comments!


Rubens takes a moment to process the fact that he’s riding pow-filled couloirs in The Rockies….in January.


Big week in The Rockies…let us know if Kevin missed anything on his list!


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