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When the invite to tag along with a Smith trip in Revestoke came we jumped at the opportunity. A chance to hang with Chris Rubens, Eric Hjorleifson, Griffin Post, Nic Teichrob, Wyatt Caldwell, and legendary team manager Gabe Schroder, while shooting an ‘The Experience Is Everything’ webisode is pretty much one of the coolest things you could do with your time.

Day one of the trip was a good team building exercise. The weather wasn’t amazing and it was decided to climb and ski the iconic peak of Revelstoke, Mt. Begbie. We rallied in the morning and climbed up to the summit and down the NW face. Don’t ask us what the line looks like because we spent most of our time in the alpine in clouds. Greg Hill’s blog has some pics of the face we skied if you’re interested in learning more.

Below are some pics we snapped during the day.

Griffen Post slogging up the  non-pow approach.

Griffin Post slogging up the non-pow approach. Ski crampons helped. Fat bikes might also work.


Chris Rubens, Eric Hjorleifson and Griffin Post hiking up with Revelstoke in the background.


Headed towards the peak.


Up to the col. The bootpack to the summit is up and to the right.


Hoji packing his kit to go for the summit.


Another shot of the crew prepping to go for the summit.


Nic Teichrob starting the summit push with a camera pack on. Tripod, lenses make things so much easier. Or not.


Almost at the top. It’s going to break and go blue right?

Transitioning to ski mode on top. Gray light, cold winds meant we didn't linger.

Transitioning to ski mode on top. Gray light, cold winds meant we didn’t linger.

Hoji doing what we came here to do.

After descending a ridge by brail we got on to the face. We found a few good turns. Skier Eric Hjorleifson.

Hoji jumping the bottom crux with Rubens waiting to go next.

Hoji jumping the bottom crux with Rubens waiting to go next. Apparently this is normally filled in.

Been a lot of starts and finishes that look like this in the last two weeks.

Been a lot of starts and finishes that look like this in the last two weeks.

Clashing glasses with the namesake beer at the Big Eddy Pub.

Clashing glasses with the namesake beer at the Big Eddy Pub.


Stay tuned for more reports on this trip this week.


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