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If you’re reading this, you must have clicked on my own web-enticing title.

Alanis Morrisette wrote a song about that kind of thing.

Of course that’s beside the point.

Really, I wanted to address the fact that I feel the same way about claiming that SNOWMAGEDDON 2015 IS ABOUT TO UNFOLD ON WHISTLER BLACKCOMB as I do about saying “last run” to my buddies on the chairlift.


Whistler’s just left of that hole, eh….Photo: Internet

Maybe I’m just saying all this because the Iron-willed Commander of this very website sent me the link below with the semi-loaded statement “these guys crushed it with this post”.

Damnit Tim! You’re right. We probably could have too.

In Canadian, the post is claiming that between 140-300 centimetres are on their way, so no wonder people are clickity clickiting all over that shit.

But given that it pissed rain below 1800 metres most of Wednesday night and Thursday morning, the question is this:

Do these guys look like idiots?

Not really. They just compiled data and got people really jazzed to go shredding.

That’s a big part of a blogger’s job description (hence the text from the Iron-willed Commander).

Doglotion got the scoop as well. But they kept it in the pants and made mention of the inevitably wandering freezing levels.

Skiing on The Coast has been really emotional (in a very first world kinda way) the past few years.

We still ride a lot of pow around here. But we do so by keeping a very close eye on temperatures.

unnamed (1)

Luckily, there’s a lot of skiing above 1800 metres around here…Photo: @mattyricardo

And yeah, maybe we throw a little superstition in the mix as well.

We’re not sacrificing virgins or anything like that. But sometimes we just like to see how things play out before we make any lofty claims.

Have you ever been about 10 kms from the road around 3:45 in the afternoon and heard your buddy say “this day’s going so smooth!”

It can be a little unsettling.

Anyways, the really good news is that all these forecasts are coming from people who have done their homework.

Weather patterns are swirling around like a Shambhala Hula Hoop contest over the Pacific right now.

And there’s enough cold air around to make a lot of that action fall as snow instead of rain.


Mason Mashon knows that TIMING is everything…Photo: Callum Jelley

So keep an eye on the freezing levels, assemble a squad and head for the hills.

Just maybe don’t tell anyone how epic it’s gonna be until after the fact.



Author’s Note: It was -4.5 on the Whistler Peak at the time of publication. YEW!



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