-Words by Scotty Thumlert….originally published 2013/03/01.
In his 1963 “Lectures on Physics”, Dr. Richard Feynman brilliantly summarized what we humans knew about nature. He explained that all interactions between matter in the universe follow basic fundamental rules. In earlier days, Sir Isaac Newton created a set of laws that did an excellent job of describing motion near the surface of earth.
But, these laws break down quickly when applied to really tiny particles, or really massive objects or things moving near the speed of light. Lately, “string theory” shows the most potential towards a correct fundamental description of nature. “String theory” is pretty complicated and strange and in order to work properly requires more than 10 dimensions in space and time (we are used to forward/back, left/right, up/down and moving through time).
10 dimensions?

One Dimension, Two Dimension, Three Dimension, Four: Photo: Scotty Thumlert
I didn’t understand it when I first read it and I still don’t (see above). But, when you let this “10 dimensional” world idea ferment in the old brew house of the mind and have a look around…
Seems like we need a few extra dimensions to describe where Denis Rodman comes from! What about the comedic genius of Saturday Night Live’s Wayne’s World? Hendrix’s Are You Experienced album took the combination of musical notes to a new dimension. What dimension was Chris Brazeau rocked out on when he shredded the North Face of Mt Bryce solo last spring?

Behold! Our entry point into otherwordly awesomeness. The Trophy Hut in Wells Gray Provincial Park: Photo: Scotty Thumlert
As a snowslider reading these ramblings, I bet you can imagine a time when everything in the mountains came together so perfectly that the only suitable word to describe it was “magical”.
Remember December?
Purple Haze!
That shit rocked more than Frank Slide!

Purple Haze, baby. A nice December shred in Wells Gray Park: Photo: Malcolm Sangster

Sil Wong slides from one dimension to the next.:Photo: Malcolm Sangster
December was just like the rest of the months this winter… it put its pants on in the morning one leg at a time. . . Except once those pants were on!
Seas of valley cloud, soft December light dousing the ‘pine, beautiful pow being served all-up-in-the-grillz. And, to top it all off: the ever-elusive stability (cue: echoing whispers). It sure felt like we were chillin in the 7th or 8th dimension, man. Everything was perfect.

Sometimes it just all lines up:Photo: Scotty Thumlert

Hanging high above the metaphysical fog: Photo: Scotty Thumlert
And now, everyone’s just been bitching about the last two months. Come on people! There’s no whining in the Tenth Dimension! (This may or may not be true). I say chin up! Keep your stick on the ice and heads up in the corners. These global warming induced warm dry winter days are already starting to turn around on us. Perfection’s on its way back in. It always is, really. So keep scheming, planning and given’R.

You’ll feel flawless conditions under your feet in no time: Photo: Bruce Giovando Shredder: Scotty Thumlert
Thanks to Vio, Gio, Sangster, Freddy, Jeff, Dusty, Williard, Katie, Jonny, Sil, Chris and Paige for sharing another New Years session in the Tenth Dimension.