Boom Lake Couloir, Feb 2015

Kevin Hjertaas and Chris Rubens, dropping in to see what condition their condition was in. These boys have been crushing it lately. Check their exploits here: Big week of Lines in the Rockies and here: ...

Big week of Lines in the Rockies

Rockies Conditions Update Feb. 4, 2015 Hjertaas and Rubens have been on a Rockies crushfest of late. Here's Rubens plowing up the gnar above Taylor Lake... It’s been a great week in the Rockies with unse...

Iceland – Salomon Freeski TV S8 E01

As the youngest land mass on earth, Iceland is an ever-evolving paradise for skiers. Littered with volcanoes, the ski lines here plunge straight to the ocean's edge. Andreas Fransson, Chris Rubens, and Mark Abm...

SASS Global Travel Announces SASS Japan 2015

SASS Japan to include three 10-day mobile powder hunting sessions based on Hokkaido in the heart of Japanuary. RINCON, PUERTO RICO - September 15th, 2014 -- After recent completion of the 10th season of thei...