Seeking Nirvana Pt. 4 ~ Towers Above the Sea

There was a time, back in the day, when the ski season had a beginning and an end. When we would pause after a long winter and look to other challenges to occupy our time. This was before the thought and possib...

Seeking Nirvana Pt. 2 ~ Cabin Fever

Childhood friends embark on a journey past roads-end. Far from civilization, deep in the wilds of British Columbia, time slows as they align with their surroundings. Battling blizzards they quest towards untrac...

Seeking Nirvana Pt. 1: Home

This is the mountain village of Whistler, 675m above sea level. Forested with old growth fir and cedar. An important black bear habitat. Criss-crossed by deep valleys making way to endless glaciers. There are f...