Mas O Menas Monday – Ep 3 – Cathedral

In the final episode we head to the slack country off the local hill at Cathedral, skiing many of the classics into Laguna and into the Van Titter valley. On the last day of the trip we got 30cms of powder, blu...

Cerro Lopez – Mas O Menas Monday – Ep2

This week we head to a beautiful touring zone called Cerro Lopez, as you gain elevation the view over the lake becomes more and more spectacular, the skiings isn’t to shabby either. In summer of 2015, Eric H...

Mas 0 Menas, Ep1. Frey Argentina

In summer of 2015, Eric Hjoleifson, Christina Lustenberger, Andre Charland, Kevin Hjertaas and Chris Rubens went down to South America to ski around Bariloche. This is my favourite place to ski in South Ameri...

Boom Lake Couloir, Feb 2015

Kevin Hjertaas and Chris Rubens, dropping in to see what condition their condition was in. These boys have been crushing it lately. Check their exploits here: Big week of Lines in the Rockies and here: ...

Big week of Lines in the Rockies

Rockies Conditions Update Feb. 4, 2015 Hjertaas and Rubens have been on a Rockies crushfest of late. Here's Rubens plowing up the gnar above Taylor Lake... It’s been a great week in the Rockies with unse...