2016 AK Footpower – Dane Tudor

Last spring Ian McIntosh invited Griffin Post and I to join him on a camping trip to the Tordrillo mountain range in Alaska, with the objective of climbing and skiing the Razorback Spine Wall.  Razorback is a g...


Alberta f'n rules! And there's a group of very dedicated individuals that go out there and get it good on the regular. The following edit contains copious amounts of stoke being had as evidenced by fist pumps, ...

Spring Harvest – Amiskwi Lodge Ski Touring Trip- 2015

An incredible spring ski trip is in the works, and this is your chance to join. Spring Harvest is a week-long guided backcountry ski week based out of  Amiskwi Lodge, located just north of Golden, BC.  Keep rea...

Local Revelstoke Ski Tours – Fingers and Begbie

Two of the more popular backcountry areas close to Revelstoke are Mt. Begbie and the Fingers. The Fingers area is about 9km from town, south on Hwy23 and is accessed off the Mt. MacPherson Cross Country ski ...

Dave Treadway – Cabin Trip – Ski Touring

Dave Treadway - Cabin Trip - Ski Touring from Peak Performance on Vimeo. Dave Treadway, sans snowmobile, slows it down with ski touring trip in the BC backcountry. Don't worry though.....he still hits th...

Christina “Lusti” Lustenberger Video and Interview

skiing is FUN! from Christina Lusti on Vimeo. When I met Christina Lustenberger 10 years ago we were standing at the bottom of a race course, shivering in downhill suits and looking at our times. It wasn...