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So this blog has become a blog of many thoughts and photos over an extended period of time. Photos have been taken along the way and the writing has happened on days off over the last couple of weeks. It has broken thoughts and stories because every time I sit down to write I feel different and want to express something different. What comes across to me is how awesome powder is and how exhausting and awesome this winter has been. Enjoy.

Fire & Ice

Fire & Ice


This has been one of the best months of my life. The last couple of years have been great but a little on the lean side. It really makes you appreciate it when it is this good. It wasn’t off to the best start but then at Christmas it all switched around, a couple of huge storms and we have gone from a record low snowpack to well above average. Days off have been far and few between with the only reason for a day off is need to rest an aching body. Even when it has stopped snowing the skiing has been epic and relatively stable.

Next year's Salomon boots

Next year’s Salomon boots

Looking off the top

Looking off the top

So far I haven’t managed to leave the interior, which is no problem by me. Many days filming up at RMR, around Revy, some quick cat trips to K3 and Retallack, filming and shooting with Salomon Freeski TV, Sherpas and Vshaw productions. It has been one of the most productive couple of weeks of my life. Shooting deep powder and pillows, it seems to be the year of the face shots. I can’t tell you how many cliffs I have gone off completely blind from all the blower powder in my face, but you know
the landing is soft and pillowy so there is no problem.

Sheppard dropping in

Sheppard dropping in

Gord sendin

Gord sendin

Mike Hopkins air time

Mike Hopkins air time

Shep making it look good

Shep making it look good

A lightbulb?

A lightbulb?

Great lookin turns

Great lookin turns

Hopkins getting amongst it

Hopkins getting amongst it

Hopkins lining up a big dog

Hopkins lining up a big dog

One of the coolest lines I have ever skied, until the rocky take off

One of the coolest lines I have ever skied, until the rocky take off

Day to-day life is on stand still, computer time consists of staring blankly at the computer screen, too tired to think about anything other than skiing more powder. My house is a disaster of empties, gear and people staying. Revelstoke is buried under a deeep blanket of snow with snowbanks reaching near capacity. When it is this good you have to put all possible energy into enjoying as much of it as you can. I feel like I have done a fairly good job of this!

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On the peak

On the peak

Hiking up

Hiking up

Emma Mains shredding

Emma Mains shredding

Beauty turn by Jordan

Beauty turn by Jordan

As I write this final blurb I am supposed to be in route to Vancouver to fly to India. Due to some complications with tourist Visa and the mail, I’m without a passport or a Visa, which makes it quite hard to leave the country. It is a quite the hiccup along the road but hopefully it shows up soon and I can leave to go shred powder in India.

There is a bit of snow here

There is a bit of snow here

Dono flying

Dono flying



Heim with a tasty line

Heim with a tasty line



Perfect and sunny

Perfect and sunny

Good night

Good night




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