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There are a lot of people out there who would have crossed paths with Tavis Menzies. He was a mountain-trotting gem of a human being who made a massive impression anywhere he went.

He died in a car crash in Port Hardy last week. And as the news travels from one coastal and mountain community to the next, grief is taking hold of all the friends he made along the way.

We’re all better for having known him, but it just ain’t gonna be the same without The Meatsaw around.

The video above is from Cliff Markham and Rider Media…

Here are a few more vids to get a sense of such a legendary character.

Tavis calls this one ” a punch in the face to good taste. A skull peeling, full throttle on the bottle, pants on fire, fist pumping, open ended question to anyone that thinks life should be any different. Hosted by the jet powered monkey navigated maundering flow of chaotic inanity”.

And this was Tavis’s take on one of the many scenes he rolled in:

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