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These salty old early season dogs have done it again! Regular bigliners Rance Tuff and Dustin Clark rallied with their buddy Joey into the high country off an undisclosed mountain pass (cough) and found themselves some pow turns.

Dustin reported Coastal-like snow that was sticking to the rocks quite nicely. Travel through the forest and rocks was “technical” but after about two hours they managed to find what Dustin described as a “catcher’s mitt” of snow that they were able to bang a couple laps on.

The day was only meant to be a recon mission for after a few more storms come through…Dustin figures that only two major systems have hit that area citing that there was really only one other layer…but lo and behold they found a shreddable patch of snow and did what came naturally to them.

Somebody get these guys a Raven T-shirt!

Dustin SHred

Rance Shred 2

snowpack investigation

Rance shred 1

Skinning 2


technical skinning

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