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Yearning for Turning: Vol 2 Carving Europe

Yearning for Turning: Vol 2 Carving Europe from Korua Shapes is great. If, like us, you are totally over seeing all of the X-Gaymes triple cork snooze fest bullshit then this just might be up your alley. Straig...


"The last frontier was our final destination goal from the beginning of the season. Alaska, one of the global meccas of backcountry snowboarding. A mission of a journey along the entire way. Camping in a Snow...


"Month 2 and episode 2 on the chopping block there was still not enough snow to film in the backcountry at home. However, it was snowing in Colorado! We packed the trucks up and headed south to Silverton. Was i...

Snowboarder Caught in Tree Well Video

A snowboarder caught in a tree well is lucky his buddies are there to bail him out. Tree wells are serious terrain traps and some years kill more people than avalanches do. This video is a scary reminder that r...


"Introducing, Fingers Crossed. Claudia Avon and I set out this season to create a web series. We were both in the same mind set to ride and film in the backcountry and were both feeling the challenges of creati...

Skiing Squamish December 2015

A snowy December 2015 had everybody stoked on winter in sea to sky country. I was lucky enough to have some good friends to share with. After 2 seasons of sub-par conditions, snow on the left coast was very wel...

Bryan Fox – Something Else On The Internet

This video part doesn’t necessarily have a title…maybe we just call it “Something Else On The Internet”. Regardless, when Bryan Fox makes video parts, he makes them hoping they have the same effect on you, that...