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Rostrum and Icefall Peak Ski Descent

Rostrum peak (3284m)and Icefall peak (3195m) are part of the same massif Bush Mountain, north of Golden BC. They are seldom skied because they are formidable challenges.  Trevor Sexsmith had a time there in May...

RIP Maxim Arsenault – April 20th, 2016

  A wave of sadness and shock has been making its way through the freeride community today with the news that Maxim Arsenault passed away skiing in Alaska yesterday. Details are sparse at this point,...

Banff Mountain Photo Essay Competition

Win $3000 in the our photo essay competition. We invite photographers to submit photo essays to illustrate their mountain related stories whether culture, adventure, wildlife, sport, environment, or natural his...

Snowboard Pillows

Snowboard pillows for days in Glacier National Park by Oatway Productions. Rider: Mike Faucett, Tristan Miller, Jessica Pyper and Jessie Oatway Edited by: Jeff Jackson Music: Rone "Le Grande Ourse" ...